Celestial Programming : Precession IAU 2006

This is an implementation of IAU 2006 Precession from IERS Tech Note 36.

Angles are in arcseconds, multiply by 1/60/60*Math.PI/180 to convert to degrees. $$ \begin{align*} t &= \frac{jd - jd00}{36525.0} \\ \\ \gamma &= -0.052928" + 10.556378"t + 0.4932044"t^2- 0.00031238"t^3 - 0.000002788"t^4 + 0.000000026"t^5 \\ \phi &= +84381.412819" - 46.811016"t + 0.0511268"t^2 + 0.00053289"t^3 - 0.00000044"t^4 - 0.0000000176"t^5 \\ \psi &= -0.041775" + 5038.481484"t + 1.5584175"t^2 - 0.00018522"t^3 - 0.000026452"t^4 - 0.0000000148"t^5 \\ \epsilon &= +84381.406" - 46.836769"t - 0.0001831"t^2 + 0.0020034"t^3 - 0.000000576"t^4 - 0.0000000434"t^5 \\ \\ ROT_{prec} &= ROT_x(-\epsilon) ROT_z(-\psi) ROT_x (\phi) ROT_z(\gamma) \\ \end{align*} $$ JD - JD to Precess to.
JD00 - Starting epoch (2451545 for J2000)
\(ROT_{prec}\) - Precession matrix